A massive security breach happened in Lok Sabha on Wednesday as two men entered and let off thick yellow smoke from canisters they smuggled in. The thick yellow smoke led to panic among the members of parliament for a while before the duo was overpowered by those present. Sagar Sharma and D Manoranjan, who were caught inside the Lok Sabha, and Neelam Devi and Amol Shinde – arrested outside Parliament – have to be questioned in detail, the Delhi Police said.
The four intruders – Sagar Sharma, D Manoranjan, Neelam Devi, and Amol Shinde – were produced before a Delhi court ton Wednesday. A fifth person – Vicky Sharma, at whose Gurugram home the others met – and his wife were detained.
On a lighter note, legendary athlete PT Usha has said that she could have helped had the security breach happened in Rajya Sabha. PT Usha is a member of the Rajya Sabha and also the Indian Olympic Association president.
“I am in Rajya Sabha because I am an athlete. Yesterday there was a problem in Lok Sabha, had that happened in Rajya Sabha, I would have run and caught them,” PT Usha said onAaj Tak.
In February, this year, PT Usha presided over the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha in the absence of Chairman and Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankar. Usha also posted a short clip of the moment on her official Twitter handle in which she described the proud moment hoping to “create milestones”.
Usha had been nominated to the Upper House by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in July 2022. In November, she was elected as the President of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA).
“‘Great power involves great responsibility’ as said by Franklin D. Roosevelt was felt by me when I chaired the Rajya Sabha session. I hope to create milestones as I undertake this journey with the trust and faith vested in me by my people,” Ms Usha said in her post.
Popularly known as the Payyoli Express, PT Usha has won medals for India in various international sporting events, including the Asian Games, the Asian Championships and the World Junior Invitational Meet. She has set and broken many national and Asian records during her career.
The star sprinter brags four gold medals and seven silvers at the Asian Games. She missed out on a podium finish in the women’s 400m hurdles at the Los Angeles 1984 Olympics by 1/100th of a second. Her timing of 55.42s in Los Angeles still holds as a national record.
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