Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday showed off his culinary skills by making dosas with locals at a roadside eatery in Telangana’s Jagitial district. Mr Gandhi was on his ‘Vijayabheri Yatra’, a foot march that he undertook to connect with the people of Telangana ahead of the assembly polls in the state. On Friday, while travelling to Jagtial, Mr Gandhi halted at the Nukapalli (NAC) bus stop and tried his culinary skills by making the South Indian dish at a roadside tiffin cart.
The Indian National Congress shared a video of Mr Gandhi making dosas at the roadside stall. In the clip, he is seen putting the dosa batter on a hot pan, spreading it with a bowl and flipping it over. Before beginning the process, he is also seen presumably asking the street vendor about the process of making the dish. The eatery shop owner and others, on the other hand, are seen guiding the Congress leader.
At the end of the clip, Mr Gandhi serves the dosas to the people, who are seen cheering him on. “Rahul Anna,” INC wrote in the caption of the post along with a heart emoji.
Watch the video below:
Rahul Anna ❤️
— Congress (@INCIndia) October 20, 2023
In a separate post, the INC also shared a series of pictures of Mr Gandhi at the roadside stall. “From the political stage to the dosa griddle! @RahulGandhi ji is spicing things up in Kondagattu town, dishing out some mouthwatering masala dosas. A leader with a taste for change!” the caption read.
???? From the political stage to the dosa griddle! ???? @RahulGandhi ji is spicing things up in Kondagattu town, dishing out some mouthwatering masala dosas. A leader with a taste for change! ????️✨
???? Telangana.
— Congress (@INCIndia) October 20, 2023
The video has drawn several comments from many users on X. It has also accumulated more than 214,000 views and over 7,000 likes.
Meanwhile, Mr Gandhi’s dosa-making is not the first time that he has been seen interacting with locals. Last week in Mizoram, the Congress leader was seen rising a pillion on a two-wheeler in Aizawl. He was seen arriving at Aizawl Club on a scooter to meet party leaders and local media. He was also seen on a two-wheeler, reaching the residence of former Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla.