As the cricket fraternity rises in solidarity against the anti-India comments made by a few ministers from the Maldives, a video featuring MS Dhoni has gone viral. Though the former Indian cricket team captain isn’t someone who takes to social media to share his opinions on trending topics, an old video of his has clarified his stance on the Indian Islands vs Maldives debate. In the video, Dhoni could be heard saying that he wants to start his leisure travel journey from India before exploring other countries.
While Dhoni has travelled all across the globe during his active days as an international cricketer, he and his wife want to visit new destinations for vacations, starting from India.
“Mostly, I do travel a lot but not for vacations. Frankly, if you ask me, I have not been on a lot of vacations. During my cricket playing time, mostly I would go to nations where cricket was there. I haven’t seen a lot because I was like I have come here to play cricket, I will play cricket and come back. So, not a lot of fun that way,” Dhoni said in the video.
“My wife loves to travel. So, now our plan is… we are getting some time off, we want to travel. But we want to start from India. We have so many beautiful places over here. I would like to explore them first before heading to different places,” he said.
First priority for Indian tourism places then others. This is why MS Dhoni is GOAT #ExploreIndianIslands #Maldives
— ` (@WorshipDhoni) January 7, 2024
What is the Maldives Controversy?
A Maldivian lawmaker criticised PM Modi following his Lakshadweep trip inferring that New Delhi is attempting to project the Union Territory as an alternative tourist destination to the Maldives. Two other Maldivian ministers also shared derogatory remarks along with PM Modi’s photos from Lakshadweep.
The statements followed massive outrage both from India and within the Maldives with several prominent leaders criticising the remarks against the nation’s “closest neighbour”. Former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed described the remarks as “appalling” and asked President Mohamed Muizzu’s government to distance itself from these comments.
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