A video capturing rats feasting on food at an IRCTC stall has raised concerns about food hygiene and passenger safety. The shocking footage was filmed by a passenger at the Itarsi Junction railway station in Madhya Pradesh. The video which has gone viral was shared on X by Saurabh, a self-proclaimed rail enthusiast with the username name “Train wale bhaiya.”
In the 37-second video, rats are seen rummaging through plates of snacks and food containers on the ground at the railway station. The user also urged people to exercise caution and check the hygiene aspects before consuming food from railway station vendors.
”Rats on IRCTC food Inspection Duty. The reason why I avoid eating food from Railway Station Vendors,” he captioned the video on X.
Watch the video here:
Rats on IRCTC food Inspection Duty ????
The Reason why i avoid eating food from Railway Station Vendors!!????Itarsi Junction, Madhya Pradesh @IRCTCofficial@AshwiniVaishnaw@RailMinIndia#IndianRailwayspic.twitter.com/8y2eXbb9td
— Saurabh • A Railfan ???????? (@trainwalebhaiya) January 6, 2024
Railway authorities were quick to react to the viral video and assured the user on Sunday that immediate action would be taken. ”Please share your mobile no. preferably via DM to enable us to take immediate action. You may also raise your concern directly on http://railmadad.indianrailways.gov.in or dial 139 for speedy redressal,” Railway Seva wrote. In another tweet, they informed that the matter has been escalated to the concerned official of the Bhopal division.
Please share your mobile no. preferably via DM to enable us to take immediate action.
You may also raise your concern directly on https://t.co/JNjgaq1zyT or dial 139 for speedy redressal. https://t.co/utEzIqB89U— RailwaySeva (@RailwaySeva) January 6, 2024
The Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) of the Bhopal division also commented on the post, stating that the ”matter is being notified to concerned officials” to ensure prompt action is taken to address the issue.
— DRM BHOPAL (@BhopalDivision) January 6, 2024
Meanwhile, the video has left the internet disgusted, and many raised questions about the hygiene and safety standards of food served to train passengers.
One user wrote, ”@IRCTCofficial management should put in place proper supervision to prevent this or their officials should be made to eat the food from here daily.”
Another simply commented, ”Yuck.”