Raipur. Under the guidance of Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai, people of special backward tribes are being provided the benefits of government schemes under the Prime Minister Janman Yojana in the state. In this series, 100% of the people of special backward tribe Kamar living in Baldakchar and Awari villages of Balodabazar district have been benefited from government schemes under the Prime Minister Janman Yojana. Under the scheme, 100% target has been achieved in 11 schemes so far. 39 special backward tribe Kamar families live in Baldakchar and 11 in Awari, whose total population is about 193. Now all the people of Kamar tribe of both the villages have got Aadhar card, Ayushman card and caste certificate. Jan Dhan bank accounts of women have been opened. As per eligibility, the benefits of Kisan Credit Card, Ration Card, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi and PM Matru Vandan Yojana have been received. Sickle cell test of all and electrification has been done in all the houses. Along with this, the facility of 2 mobile medical units has also been provided to the people of special backward tribes.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Janman Yojana, which started from 15 November 2023, a saturation campaign was started in the special backward tribe Kamar dominated villages Baldakchar and Awari. In this, after identifying the people left out of the scheme, emphasis was laid on benefiting them and within a year 100% people were benefited from 11 schemes.
It is worth noting that the basic objective of PM Janman Yojana is to improve the social, economic conditions of vulnerable tribal groups (PVTGs), families and settlements by providing basic facilities and services to them. Under the PM Janman Yojana, important activities like drinking water, housing, roads, nutrition through Anganwadi, skill development for livelihood promotion are being implemented in coordination with various departments in the settlements of vulnerable tribal groups.