Special efforts are being made to link village industries with employment-oriented education

Innovations are being made to create new employment opportunities in the handloom and handicraft sector in the state. Special emphasis has been laid on linking rural industries with employment-oriented education for village upliftment and self-employment generation. The state government is continuously making efforts to increase employment opportunities through the protection, welfare and overall development of traditional village industries.

Special efforts are being made by the Directorate of Handloom and Handicrafts for the development of cottage and village industries in the state. Every necessary step is being taken for social and economic upliftment, including enriching the well-known tradition of ancient excellent weaving and craftsmanship to weavers and craftsmen, providing sustainable employment to handloom weavers and craftsmen and connecting new needy people with the handloom/handicraft industry.

Work is being done to improve the quality of products of handloom and handicraft sector and the varieties of traditional products in accordance with the changed demands of the modern environment of national and international markets. To make the cottage and village industry products competitive in the domestic and foreign markets, adequate assistance is being provided to the weavers and craftsmen of the state for advanced training, technical upgradation, product development. For the marketing of handloom and handicraft products, along with providing financial assistance for organizing fairs/exhibitions/expos in the metropolitan cities of the district/state and metropolitan cities outside the state, the facility of market linkage is also being provided.

At present, famous handloom fabrics like Chanderi and Maheshwari-sarees, dress material, home furnishing, bedsheets and fabrics commonly used in government departments are being produced on a large scale on 17 thousand 597 looms in the state. Through these handlooms, employment was provided to about 33 thousand 480 weavers in the last financial year.

Integrated Cluster Development Program for Handloom and Handicraft Sector

In the Integrated Cluster Development Program for Handloom and Handicraft Sector, skill development training of advanced technology will be given to the traditionally working weavers and craftsmen to make products as per the demand of domestic and foreign markets to increase their income and productivity. In the current financial year 2024-25, one crore 17 lakh rupees have been allocated for the Integrated Cluster Development Program. Along with the development of infrastructure in the major clusters of the state, training workshops and seminars will also be organized for product development, development of advanced varieties / designs.

Skill Development Training Program

For the creation of new opportunities for self-employment / employment through cottage and village industries, the beneficiaries are also given advanced equipment along with skill development training in various trades. In the last financial year 2023-24, against the annual target of 750, 262 beneficiaries were given skill development training and looms and advanced equipment were given to 311 beneficiaries. In the current financial year 2024-25, a budget of Rs 1 crore 80 lakh has been reserved for this program. This year, about 922 beneficiaries will be given skill development training and advanced equipment.

Skill and Technical Development Training and Marketing Program

The department is running skill, technical development and training program for handloom and handicraft sector and marketing assistance scheme for handicraft sector. In these schemes, a budget of Rs 1 crore 80 lakh and Rs 50 lakh has been given respectively in the financial year 2024-25. With this, skill development training program for handloom weavers and handicrafts, supply of advanced looms and equipment, besides organizing exhibitions for marketing of the product and financial assistance will be provided for participation in exhibitions and expos. This program will make the economic and social upliftment of the weavers and craftsmen of the state possible.

Under the Handloom Component, in the Basic/Skill Development Training Program, 573 beneficiaries were given skill development training in the last financial year 2023-24. The target is to benefit 1056 beneficiaries from this program by the end of the current financial year.

Similarly, in the Employment Generation Program from Handloom, 33 thousand 480 weavers and artisans were given employment in the last financial year 2023-24. The department is working rapidly on the target of providing direct employment to more than 40 thousand weavers and artisans by the end of the current financial year 2024-25.

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