My strength lies not in my name, but in the backing of 1.4 billion Indians and thousands of years of timeless culture and heritage. When I shake hands with a world leader, it’s not Modi, but 1.4 billion Indians doing so.
Whenever we speak of peace, the world listens to us. India is the land of Gautam Buddha. Indians aren’t hardwired to espouse strife and conflict. We espouse harmony instead. We stand for peace.
I have a close relationship with Russia and Ukraine alike. I can sit with (Russian) President (Vladimir) Putin, and say that this is not the time for war And I can also tell (Ukraine) President (Volodymyr) Zelensky, in a friendly way, that brother, regardless of how many people stand with you in the world, there will never be a resolution on the battlefield. The resolution will only come when both Ukraine and Russia come to the negotiating table.
When I became Prime Minister, I specially invited Pakistan to my swearing-in ceremony so we could turn over a new leaf. Yet, every noble attempt at fostering peace was met with hostility and betrayal. We sincerely hope that wisdom prevails upon them and they choose the path of peace.
I am here for a purpose, sent by a higher power. I am not alone; the one who sent me is always with me. This unwavering faith should always remain within us. Difficulties are a test of endurance; they are not meant to defeat me. Hardships exist to make me stronger.
I have observed (US) President (Donald) Trump both during his first term and now in his second run. This time, he seems far more prepared than before. He has a clear roadmap in his mind, with well-defined steps, each one designed to lead him toward his goals.
We want India and China to compete in a healthy and natural way. Competition is not a bad thing, but it should never turn into conflict. Our cooperation isn’t just beneficial, it’s also essential for global stability and prosperity.
I love democracy. This is one of the main reasons I love the United States. But there’s just nothing quite as beautiful as democracy when it functions in India.
It (Godhra riots) was a tragedy of unimaginable magnitude, people were burned alive. You can imagine, against the backdrop of incidents like the Kandahar hijacking, the attack on Parliament, or even 9/11, and then to have so many people killed and burned alive, you can imagine how tense and volatile the situation was. Of course, this was tragic for everyone, everyone prefers peace. The perception that these were the biggest riots ever is actually misinformation. If you review the data from before 2002… Gujarat witnessed over 250 significant riots.
I don’t think the word “powerful” quite reflects the journey of my life. I can never claim to be powerful, for all I am is a humble servant. I even identify myself as not the Prime Minister, but the Prime Servant.
No matter what the world does with AI, it will remain incomplete without India. I’m making this statement very responsibly.
When it comes to techniques in sports, I’m not an expert. Only those who specialise in the technical aspects can judge which techniques are superior and who the best players really are. But sometimes, the results speak for themselves. Just a few days ago, India and Pakistan played a match. The result reveals which is the better team. That’s how we know.