Raipur – As per the orders of Raipur District Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh and the instructions of Raipur Municipal Corporation Commissioner Abinash Mishra, the construction and development work of the dog shelter center in Sondongri under the zone by Municipal Corporation Zone No. 8 is continuously progressing at a fast pace. About 80 percent of the construction work has been completed. Municipal Corporation Commissioner Abinash Mishra has given instructions to Zone 8 Zone Commissioner A.K. Haldar and Executive Engineer Abhishek Gupta to complete the remaining finishing work including plaster work, painting work soon. After the completion of the Municipal Corporation’s dog shelter center in Sondongri, arrangements will be made to keep about 70 dogs injured, wounded, unhealthy in road accidents of Raipur city area together to give them health benefits. Operation theater and veterinary doctors will be arranged in the said dog shelter center. An agreement has been made with some NGOs that any citizen of the city can keep his pet dog in the dog shelter center Sondongri for care when he goes out of the city. For this, preparations are being made to provide proper arrangements with the participation of NGOs and to provide separate arrangements for the care of pet dogs. As per the instructions of the Commissioner, today Zone 8 Zone Commissioner A.K. Haldar directly inspected the ongoing construction work of the dog shelter center in Sondongri in the presence of Executive Engineer Abhishek Gupta and directed the concerned unattached contractor to complete the finishing work at a fast pace.