Journalist Mukesh Chandrakar Murder Case: In a significant breakthrough in the murder case of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar from Bijapur district, the police have made an important arrest. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) apprehended the main suspect, Suresh Chandrakar, late at night in Hyderabad. Currently, the SIT is interrogating him. The Superintendent of Police in Bijapur has confirmed his arrest.
Earlier, the police had already arrested three other suspects: Dinesh, Ritesh Chandrakar, and Mahendra Ramteke. Mukesh Chandrakar had been missing since 7 PM on January 1, 2025. His brother, Yukesh, filed a report the following day, on January 2. The police were actively tracing Mukesh’s phone, which was turned off, but they were able to see its last known location nearby.
CCTV footage was also reviewed, showing Mukesh wearing a T-shirt and shorts during his last sighting. Journalists conducted their own investigations in various locations. Using Gmail location tracking, they found that Mukesh’s last known location was in Chattanpara, Bijapur. Based on this information, the police continued their investigation.
During a search on Friday, they discovered Ritesh Chandrakar’s farmhouse, which had a badminton court. When journalists accompanied the police to the location, they noticed that a septic tank had been recently covered with new concrete. This raised suspicions, leading them to break it open, where they ultimately found Mukesh’s body.