India on Tuesday named their 15-member squad for the upcoming U19 Women’s T20 World Cup 2025, according to ICC. Team India are the defending champions of the event, having won the inaugural edition under the leadership of Shafali Verma in 2023 in South Africa. Niki Prasad leads the side, while Sanika Chalke is her deputy. Kamalini G, and Bhavika Ahire are the named wicket-keepers in the squad. Earlier in the Women’s Premier League (WPL) 2025 auction, Mumbai Indians roped in 16-year-old G Kamalini for a whopping amount of Rs 1.6 crore.
Soon after Kamalini’s name came under the hammer, Mumbai Indians (MI) owner Nita Ambani raised the paddle at Rs 10 lakh. Delhi Capitals (DC) came into the bidding war along with MI. The 16-year-old’s bid was zoomed to Rs 1.6 crore and confirmed her spot in the Mumbai-based franchise’s squad.
The uncapped youngster from Tamil Nadu played a crucial role for Tamil Nadu and helped them win the U-19 domestic tournament in October, hitting 311 runs in eight matches, according to ESPNcricinfo. In the Under-19 tri-series final between India B against South Africa A, she was the top scorer with 79 runs. Her stupendous form helped Kamalini confirm her place in India’s squad for the Under-19 Asia Cup next week.
Three standby players have also been selected.
Recently, India participated in the Women’s U19 T20 Asia Cup, and won the tournament after defeating Bangladesh by 41 runs in the final. G Trisha (159 runs) and Aayushi Shukla (10 wickets) were the respective leaders in the runs and wickets tally for the tournament. The duo are also a part of the U19 T20 World Cup squad.
16 teams will participate in the U19 T20 World Cup 2025 and will be divided into four groups. India are placed in Group A along with Malaysia, Sri Lanka and West Indies.
Bayuemas Oval in Kuala Lumpur will host India’s group-stage matches. They begin their campaign on January 19 against West Indies.
India U19 Squad: Niki Prasad (C), Sanika Chalke (VC), G Trisha, Kamalini G (WK), Bhavika Ahire (WK), Ishwari Awasare, Mithila Vinod, Joshitha VJ, Sonam Yadav, Parunika Sisodiya, Kesari Drithi, Aayushi Shukla, Anandita Kishor, MD Shabnam, Vaishnavi S.
Standby players: Nandhana S, Ira J, Anadi T.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by The Hindkesharistaff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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