Yuvraj Singh’s father Yograj Singh has made a chilling revelation from his playing days. Yograj, who played one Test and 6 ODIs for India during 1980-81, said that he once wanted to kill Kapil Dev for the then captain dropping him from the team. Giving details of the incident in a recent interview, Yograj revealed that he went to the former India catpain’s house with his pistol but changed his mind, showing mercy on latter’s mother. Yograj also said that he abused Kapil.
“When Kapil Dev became captain of India, North Zone, and Haryana, he dropped me for no reason,” Yograj said on YouTube channel ‘Unfiltered by Samdish’, as quoted by India Today.
“My wife (Yuvi’s mother) wanted me to ask Kapil questions. I told her that I would teach this bloody man a lesson. I took my pistol out, I went to Kapil’s house in Sector 9. He came out with his mother. I abused him a dozen times. I told him because of you I have lost a friend and what you have done, you will pay for it.
“I told him, ‘I want to put a bullet through your head, but I am not doing it because you have a very pious mother, who is standing here.’ I told Shabnam, ‘Let’s go.’
“That was the moment I decided I would not play cricket, Yuvi will play.”
Yograj also claimed that late India player Bishan Singh Bedi, who was the chief selector back then, didn’t want him in the team.
“These guys, including Bishan Singh Bedi, they plotted against me. I never forgave Bishan Singh Bedi. The man died on his bed,” he said.
“When I was dropped I spoke Ravindra Chadha, one of the selectors. He told me that Bishan Singh Bedi (the chief selector) didn’t wanted to pick me because they thought I was Sunil Gavaskar’s man and because I was playing cricket in Mumbai. I was very close to Gavaskar.”
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