Raigarh. Mathura MP, famous actress and famous dancer Padmashree Hema Malini while giving best wishes said- Chhattisgarh became number one state under the leadership of Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai.
While praising Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai, she said that Chhattisgarh will progress a lot under the leadership of Mr. Sai. Hema ji said that our country’s Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has resolved that there will never be a shortage of funds for the development of Chhattisgarh in the double engine government. She said that under the leadership of Mr. Sai, the government is doing very good work for the betterment of tribals, farmers and women. She said that earlier people were hesitant to come here due to the Naxal problem but now the situation of Chhattisgarh has changed under the leadership of Mr. Sai.