Raipur. Governor Ramen Deka and Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, who reached Ambikapur to attend the inauguration ceremony of Mahamaya Airport Darima Ambikapur, were given a warm welcome by public representatives and officials by presenting flowers at the airport. This is Governor Deka’s first visit to the district. During this, Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw, Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma, Finance Minister and Minister in charge of Sarguja O.P. Choudhary also reached Ambikapur with him.
On this occasion, Tribal Welfare and Agriculture Minister Shri Ramvichar Netam, Health Minister Shyambihari Jaiswal, Women and Child Development Minister Laxmi Rajwade, Parliamentary constituency Sarguja MP Chintamani Maharaj, Lundra MLA Prabodh Minj, Ambikapur MLA Rajesh Agarwal, Sitapur MLA Ramkumar Toppo, Joint Secretary Sanjeev Jha, Sarguja Divisional Commissioner GR Churendra, IG Ankit Garg, Collector Vilas Bhoskar, Superintendent of Police Yogesh Patel were present.