Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and shared the sentiments of the people of Chhattisgarh on the successful completion of the consecration program of Shri Ram Lalla in Ayodhya Dham. The Chief Minister has written in his letter that in the address given from Ayodhya Dham, the way the Prime Minister underlined the devotion of Mata Shabari and the wait for the arrival of Lord Ram, it has moved the people of Chhattisgarh.
The Chief Minister has written in the letter that the entire country and all of us Chhattisgarh people are happy on the successful completion of the life-consecration program of Shri Ramlala at Shri Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya Dham. Your determination along with crores of Ram devotees and hundreds of sacrifices has played an important role in giving shape to this dream of the Indian people.
Further in the letter, the Chief Minister wrote that Chhattisgarh is also the maternal birthplace of Lord Shri Ram, hence there is no limit to our happiness. This date was celebrated as Ramotsav throughout Chhattisgarh. On this occasion, I decided to observe the Pran-Pratishtha program from the holy abode of Mata Shabari, Shivrinarayan. When you consecrated Shri Ramlala in the auspicious moments of Abhijeet Muhurta, it was a moment of joy, emotion and pride for all of us.
Sharing his views regarding the Prime Minister’s address, the Chief Minister wrote that listening to your powerful, dignified and successful address was a unique and inspiring experience for all of us. In this you also remembered the wait of Mata Shabari from Ayodhya Dham. You said that when I remember my tribal mother Shabari, who lived in a remote hut, immense faith awakens. Mother Shabari had been saying for a long time that Ram will come. This faith born in every Indian will become the basis of a capable and grand India. This is the expansion of the consciousness of the country from God and the consciousness of the nation from Ram.
Sharing the sentiments of Shivrinarayan and the entire state, the Chief Minister wrote that these beautiful words of yours have moved thousands of people of Shivrinarayan living in Shabri Dham, crores of people of Chhattisgarh and crores of forest dwellers living across the country. For this, we express our gratitude to you from this Dham of Mata Shabari. These forest dwellers have established the cherished image of Shri Ram in their minds for hundreds of years. Ram is part of his consciousness. By respecting mothers like Shabari and respecting the friendship of Nishadraj, Lord Shri Ram has established the ideal of Ramrajya for all of us. Under your guidance and inspiration, we are rapidly extending the benefits of the schemes launched by the Central Government for the tribal groups to materialize the concept of Ramrajya even in the maternal home of Shri Ram, to these target groups.
Concluding the letter, the Chief Minister wrote that we express our gratitude to you again on behalf of the maternal grandfather of Lord Shri Ram and from Chhattisgarh, the abode of Mata Shabari. On behalf of millions of devotees of Lord Shri Ram and Mata Shabari, I express my heartfelt thanks to you for the historic work of Shri Ramlala Pran-Pratishtha and for remembering the virtues of Mata Shabari on this occasion.