Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai has taken important steps to improve the field of health and education and has instructed to pay special attention to the health of children in remote areas. Under this, the ‘Chirayu’ team of the Health Department is visiting schools and identifying children affected by serious diseases and providing them high level treatment facilities.
In this series, the Chirayu team of the Health Department of Jashpur district is visiting schools and conducting health tests of students. After the test, children affected by the disease are being given free medicines and high level treatment facilities as per convenience.
The Chirayu team recently conducted a health test campaign in the Government Pre Matric Girls and Boys Hostel Ludeg of Pathalgaon development block. During this, health tests of a total of 21 children were conducted, out of which 6 children were found to be suffering from eye problems, 11 from skin diseases, 2 children from stomach ache, and 2 from other diseases. The Chirayu team provided necessary treatment and medicines to all these children. They were also given health education, which included keeping cleanliness, using mosquito nets, drinking boiled water and measures to prevent seasonal diseases during the rainy season.
Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai has instructed the health department staff to ensure that this campaign is made more comprehensive so that children from all remote areas of the state can get better health services.