Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Abhishek Ghosalkar was shot dead in Mumbai on Thursday during a Facebook Live by a local activist, Mauris Noronha, who also ended his own life.
5 Facts About Abhishek Ghosalkar
Abhishek Ghosalkar was the son of former MLA Vinod Ghosalkar, a loyalist of the Uddhav Thackeray-led party.
Abhishek Ghosalkar, 40, was a former corporator.
Mr Ghosalkar was the Director of the Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank.
He married Tejasvee Darekar in 2013.
His father, Vinod Ghosalkar, was a member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly from 2009 to 2014. He has also served as the corporator in the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai.
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