Blasts in some the boats, apparently caused by the fire reaching fuel tanks, led to panic
About 23 fishing boats turned to ashes in a massive fire at a harbour in Visakhapatnam last night. The estimated loss in the shocking incident is Rs 30 crore.
Fishermen suspect some criminals set the boats on fire. There is also suspicion that the fire was triggered by a party in a boat.
Shocking visuals from the harbour showed firefighters trying to douse the flames as fishermen stared helplessly at the fire destroying their means of livelihood.
Blasts in some of the boats, apparently caused by the fire reaching fuel tanks, led to panic in the area.
Senior police officer Ananda Reddy said the fire broke out around 11:30 pm. “Cylinders on boats are causing blasts, so we are asking people to stay away. Fire engines are working to control the fire,” he said.