There will be a permanent solution to the kidney problem in Supebeda, research will be done to know the reason: Vishnu Dev Sai

The Chief Minister reviewed every scheme of the Health Department in detail

Instructions to rationalize the health staff, specialist doctors will be appointed, an action plan will be made

Work will be done on mission mode to make institutional deliveries 100%

Response time of 108 will be better, Chief Minister gave instructions to remove the shortcomings

Instructions given to expedite the making of Ayushman cards for the beneficiaries of Niyada Nellnar Yojana

Raipur. Kidney patients have been coming to Supebeda in the state for a long time. Kidney unit has been started in Gariaband for the convenience of their treatment, but there is also a need to work on a permanent solution to this problem. For this, whatever research can be done to know the cause of diseases should be done. Along with this, there should be adequate treatment facilities for the patients so that the people of Supebeda can be completely freed from kidney related problems in future. Also, dialysis centers should be established in areas like Pankhajoor where more patients are coming. This was said by Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai in the review meeting of the Health Department. In this review meeting which lasted for more than 4 hours, the Chief Minister discussed in detail the upcoming plans of the Health Department and took information about the implementation of national and state level programs and also gave instructions for their better implementation. Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari Jaiswal was also present in the meeting.

The Chief Minister took information about the status of health related infrastructure and health facilities in the state in the meeting. The Chief Minister said that good work has been done in the field of health in the last 6 months. He gave instructions to complete the works which were left incomplete in the previous government soon. In view of the upcoming monsoon, he gave instructions to make preparations to deal with the possibility of seasonal diseases. He also talked about keeping anti-venom etc. available. The Chief Minister said that there is a need for rationalization in the health structure of the state. In areas like Bastar and Surguja where there is a shortage of health staff, adequate health staff should be posted there. The Chief Minister gave special instructions regarding the supply of specialist doctors. The Chief Minister said that at the time of their posting, it should be specially taken care of that if a gynecologist is posted somewhere, then there should also be an anesthesia doctor there so that if needed, caesarean delivery can be done easily.

The Chief Minister also gave instructions to the officials regarding response time. He said that vehicles like 108, 102 and hearse should be in good condition. The driver should know from the screen of vehicles like 108 that which nearest hospital he has to take the patient to. The doctor of the nearest government hospital should also be alerted through a message so that preparations can be made for emergency response in the hospital.

The Chief Minister said that there should be a provision of at least 2 ambulances with advanced life support system in the division headquarters. The Chief Minister said that the most important task is to make institutional deliveries 100 percent. For this, ensure that ANC checkup is done at regular intervals. To prevent infant mortality, new born care units should be increased in the hospital. The Chief Minister directed to benefit maximum number of people under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. He said that the flaws in the implementation of the scheme should be removed. Ensure that Ayushman cards of all the beneficiaries of the Niyyad Nellnar Yojana are made. For this, regular camps should be organized in these areas to make Aadhar cards.

Health department officials said that under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Man Yojana, beneficiaries are being given the benefit of Ayushman cards. In 6 months, 1373 beneficiaries have made claims of Rs 1 crore 38 lakh.

The Chief Minister also asked to focus on Jan Aushadhi Kendras. He said that Jan Aushadhi Kendras should be established at such a place where maximum number of people can reach to take medicines. The Chief Minister also reviewed the schemes being run for the prevention of diseases like TB, leprosy and malaria. He said that the campaign to eradicate malaria has been quite successful but to make Bastar malaria free, it needs to be improved further.

Regarding sickle cell, the Chief Minister directed the officials to send a proposal for a national level research center to the Center. The Chief Minister said that sickle cell patients should be counseled regularly and they should be given better treatment.

The Chief Minister said that in all the hospitals where there is equipment but no operator, arrangements for operator should be made. Expand the facility of chemotherapy. Start the benefit of dialysis facility in block headquarters as well. The Chief Minister also directed the officials to start new hospitals for mental patients.

Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari Jaiswal told the officials in the meeting that Chhattisgarh is in a better position in sex ratio. We need to do continuous monitoring to make it better. He said that Chirayu Yojana is a very good scheme of the government, it should be promoted as much as possible so that most of the people can take advantage of it. Shri Jaiswal told the Chief Minister

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