Raipur. 47th All India Railway Protection Force Yoga Competition-2024 has been organized from 20.08.2024 at the Divisional Headquarters Raipur of South East Central Railway, Raipur Division, this yoga competition is being held in the community hall located in WRS Railway Colony. This competition has been kept in 06 categories according to age – 18-21 years, 22-25 years, 26-30 years, 31-35 years, 36-45 years and above 45 years of age. On 20.08.2024, the participants of this competition presented their art skills in front of the honorable jury members and the general public. Through this, the message of improving the lifestyle and staying healthy by adopting yoga in their lives is being given to the members of Railway Protection Force, railway employees and common citizens “Do Yoga, Stay Healthy”.
On this occasion, officers of Railway Protection Force including Additional Divisional Railway Manager of Raipur Railway Division were present.